Extension Ministry

Serving those beyond our walls


Every member understands “I am a missionary,” and their mission field is “wherever I am.” 


To bring people to Jesus through tangible expressions of love and compassion.

Impact Statement:

Rebuilding, restoring, and renewing individual lives, buildings, and communities.

Where is God calling you to serve? In your home, in your church, in your workplace, on the mission field...it is different for each of us, but we are all called to serve. 

You can see some of our mission field in pictures on "The Extension" Facebook page. roundedfacebook



  • June Hartranft School for Girls

    Sierra Leone, West Africa

    This school for young girls was named in honor of missionary June Hartranft, a lifetime missionary from our church who served there from 1945 until her premature passing in 1965. The school enrolls over 500 girls from the area and is a boarding school for a number of them, providing room and board as well as an education.

  • The Irvine Family

    Matt, Jenn, Malachi, Arielle, and Luke

    London, England

    Matt and Jenn Irvine have been involved in cross-cultural church planting in multi-cultural, multi-faith British South Asian neighborhoods for 20+ years. At present, in partnership with local leaders, they are seeking to grow a local community of Jesus-followers in north west London (Harrow-Brent). They desire to help grow a community that lives out and spreads the Good News of Jesus in ways that are meaningful in the local British South Asian context. For more info, visit: https://serge.org/staff/id-50102/

  • Steve and Daisy Sandagi

    Garissa, Kenya

    Steve and Daisy are cross-cultural missionaries and part of a team working among several Muslim tribes in northeast Africa (also referred to as the Horn of Africa). The predominant tribe in this region is the Somali people. If you would like to know more about the unreached tribes/people groups living in this region and the state of evangelical Christianity, click on the link below:  


  • Chuck and Cathy Powers

    Desvres, France

    Chuck and Cathy served as BCM France directors for over twenty years in the city of Toulouse in southern France before they were invited to Desvres, where they now have been serving in ministry since 2010. Alcoholism, suicide, unemployment, and occultism exist in record rates in this area, and the Powers are actively shining the light of the gospel in various ways to dissipate the darkness. You can learn more and support them here:
