Opportunities for Children

CHILDREN'S CHURCH is at 10:30am on Sundays! 

LITTLE BLESSINGS - Infant through Pre-K

While parents attend 10:30 a.m. worship, these young children experience creative play, Bible storytelling, music, and art. Dress-up costumes, games, building blocks of all shapes and sizes, a library of books, and a fully stocked play kitchen also make for a fun time each and every week.

CHILDREN'S CHURCH - Grades K though 6

Children K-6 attend the music portion of the Contemporary Service and then are dismissed from the main sanctuary to their classrooms.  They will experience a fun, creative, interactive time of learning and growth in God's Word! 

Equipping Hour - Grades K though 6

If parents wish to attend an adult Equipping Hour class at 9:30am, they may sign their child into our Kids' Equipping Hour class, where they will do a creative Bible craft or object lesson and engage in a Bible lesson.


Throughout the year there are special activities for our children such as Trunk or Treat, Pumpkin Prayer Party, delivering Thanksgiving baskets to our shut-ins, a Christmas birthday party for Jesus, Easter Egg Hunt, Farm Fest and more! 

Join the Team!!

Would you like to join our children's ministry team?

Please email Rhiannon for more information or call the church office to find out how you can make a huge impact on little lives!!