CHILDREN'S CHURCH is at 10:30am on Sundays!
LITTLE BLESSINGS - Infant through Pre-K
While parents attend 10:30 a.m. worship, these young children experience creative play, Bible storytelling, music, and art. Dress-up costumes, games, building blocks of all shapes and sizes, a library of books, and a fully stocked play kitchen also make for a fun time each and every week.
CHILDREN'S CHURCH - Grades K though 6
Children K-6 attend the music portion of the Contemporary Service and then are dismissed from the main sanctuary to their classrooms. They will experience a fun, creative, interactive time of learning and growth in God's Word!
Equipping Hour - Grades K though 6
If parents wish to attend an adult Equipping Hour class at 9:30am, they may sign their child into our Kids' Equipping Hour class, where they will do a creative Bible craft or object lesson and engage in a Bible lesson.
Throughout the year there are special activities for our children such as Trunk or Treat, Pumpkin Prayer Party, delivering Thanksgiving baskets to our shut-ins, a Christmas birthday party for Jesus, Easter Egg Hunt, Farm Fest and more!